- J'entends plus la guitare
- Ja sam tvoj Bog
- Ja, ti, on, ona
- Jacob the Liar
- Jacques Rivette - Le veilleur
- Jacquot de Nantes
- Jade
- Jagged Edge
- Jailbreak
- Jaje
- Jamaica Inn
- Jane Eyre
- Janis: Little Girl Blue
- Japan
- Jawhara
- Jaws
- Jazzmen
- Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai de commerce, 1080 Bruxelles
- Jedan plus jedan
- Jedna žena – jedan vek
- Jednoruki bandit
- Jenny Lamour
- Jericho Mile
- Jerusalem Syndrom
- Jesam li sretna?
- Jesus, You Know
- Jet lag
- Jimmy della collina
- John Lennon, dečko koji ne obećava
- Joint Security Area
- Jojo Rabbit
- Jonatana i vještica
- Journalist
- Journey to Italy
- Journey to Portugal
- Joy Division
- Joy House
- Joyce at 34
- Joyland
- Jubilee
- Jubilej gospodina Ikla
- Judgment at Nüremberg
- Juha
- Jules and Jim
- Julia
- Juliet of the Spirits
- Julius Caesar
- June Night
- Junior Bonner
- Just Don't Fuck
- Jutro čistog tijela
- Juventude
- Kad golubovi dolete
- Kad mrtvi zapjevaju
- Kaidan
- Kaja, ubit ću te
- Kako je počeo rat na mom otoku
- Kako postati heroj
- Kalvarija
- Kamenita vrata
- Kamikaze Taxi
- Kamikaze taxi
- Kanto Wanderer
- Karabinjeri
- Karamel
- Karin's face
- Karla
- Karneval
- Karpotrotter
- Kašinska 6
- Kasme Vaade
- Katanga Business
- Katyn
- Katzelmacher
- Kaza-hana
- Kekec
- Kelti
- Kenedi is getting married
- Kerity, kuća bajki
- Kes
- Key Largo
- Kidz in da Hood
- Kiev Frescoes
- Kika
- Kiki's Delivery Service
- Kiklop
- Killer's Kiss
- Kind Hearts and Coronets
- Kind of America 2
- Kinders
- King and Country
- King Lear
- King of the Night
- Kingdom Come
- Kingdom of Solomon
- Kings of the Road
- Kinofil
- Kippour
- Kirikou and the Sorceress
- Kišno / Nevina subota
- Kiss Me Deadly
- Kiss Me, Stupid
- Kiss of Death
- Kiss of the Spider Woman
- Klempo
- Ključ
- Klopka
- Klute
- Knife in the Water
- Knights of the Black Cross
- Knock on Any Door
- Knockout
- Kod amidže Idriza
- Kod fotografa
- Koko i duhovi
- Kolnati sme, Irina
- Kolya
- Komaneko: The Curious Cat
- Kommunisten
- Koncert
- Konkurs
- Konstans
- Koraci grada
- Kotlovina
- Kozara
- Krai
- Krajolik u magli
- Kralj Lear
- Kraljeva završnica
- Kramer vs. Kramer
- Kratki program 1
- Krhotine
- Kronika jednog zločina
- Krv i pepeo Jasenovca
- Krv životinja
- Krvopijci
- Kuća na pijesku
- Kud puklo da puklo
- Kung fu panda 3
- Kužiš stari moj
- L' estate di mio fratello
- L' immortelle
- L' orchestra di Piazza Vittorio
- L' udienza e aperta
- L' uomo perfetto
- L'Atalante
- L'école des facteurs
- L'Héritier
- L'Homme qui plantait des arbres
- L'implacambile tenente Rossi
- L'Oro di Napoli
- L’argent
- L’innocente
- La Bataille des Dix Millions
- La Belle Époque
- La belle noiseuse
- La cage aux folles
- La Californie
- La Chupilca del Diablo
- La Ciociara
- La commune (Paris, 1871)
- La comunidad
- La Cordillera de los sueños
- La edad de la peseta
- La France contre les Robots
- La Gentilezza del Tocco
- La guerra e il sogno di Momi
- La Madonna in cielo, la” matre” in terra
- La maman et la putain
- La pattuglia sperduta
- La petite chambre
- La Pointe Courte
- La rieducazione
- La ronde
- La sfida
- La stella che non c’e
- La strada
- La via degli angeli
- Labour Day Waltz
- Labyrinth of Passion
- Lacrimosa (Osveta je moja)
- Ladies of Leisure
- Lady Bird
- Lady For a Day
- Lady on the Tracks
- Lady Vengeance
- Lalia
- Lamb
- Lancelot of the Lake
- Land of Dreams
- Landscape After the Battle
- Larks on a String
- Las maestras de la República
- Lascia perdere Johnny
- Last Knot
- Last Tango in Paris
- Last Tycoon
- Last Waltz in Sarajevo
- Last Words
- Last Year at Marienbad
- Late Autumn
- Late Blossom
- Late Spring
- Latin lover
- Laurence Anyways
- Law of Desire
- Lawrence of Arabia
- Lažni car
- Le Bonheur
- Le chant du styrène
- Le cinematographe
- Le concert
- Le déclin de l'empire américain
- Le Grand Chef
- Le grand Méliès
- Le mariage de chiffon
- Le père Noël est une ordure
- Lea and Darija
- Leafie, a Hen Into the Wild
- Leave Her to Heaven
- Leave no Trace
- Leave No Traces
- Leaves From Satan's Book
- Left Luggage
- Leningrad Cowboys Go America
- Leningrad Cowboys Meet Moses
- Léon Morin, Priest
- Leonera
- Leonora addio
- Leopardi
- Les années super 8
- Les biches
- Les dames du Bois de Boulogne
- Les garçons et Guillaume, a table
- Les misérables
- Les nuits de la pleine lune
- Les soeurs fâchées
- Let the Right One In
- Let There Be Light
- Let us forget it, friends
- Letter from an Unknown Woman
- Letter to America
- Lettere dal Sahara
- Letters
- Leviathan
- Li'l Quinquin
- Liberation Day
- Libero
- Liberté-Oléron
- Lica terakota
- Life and work of Immortal Karadjordje
- Life as a Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease
- Life Goes On
- Life is Beautiful
- Life is Sweet
- Life of Brian
- Life, My Passion!
- Lifeboat
- Light Falls on Your Face
- Lights in the Dusk
- Lijepa i izgubljena
- Like Crazy
- Like Father, Like Son
- Like Someone in Love
- Lili Marleen
- Limited Edition
- Lion in the Winter
- Lions Love (...And Lies)
- Lisbela and the Prisoner
- Lisbon Story
- Lisinski
- Lito vilovito
- Little big panda
- Little Bird of Hapiness
- Little brothers
- Little Fugitive
- Little happiness
- Little Murders
- Little Palestine (Diary of a Siege)
- Little Portugal
- Little Princess
- Little Women
- Liverpool
- Living is Easy with Eyes Closed
- Living Like the Rest of Us
- Living Truth
- Liza i tigar
- Ljeto medvjedića
- Ljilja 4-ever
- Ljubav i smrt
- Ljubica
- Ljudi / U prolazu
- Local Hero
- Lokalni vampir
- Lokas
- Lola
- Lola (1981)
- Lolita
- Lone Star
- Loneliness Every Night
- Long Day's Journey into Night
- Long Live the Piano!
- Long Live the Republic
- Longing
- Look Back in Anger
- Looking Into the Eyes of the Sun
- Looks and Smiles
- Loose
- Lords Lantern in Budapest
- Los jueves, milagro
- Los olvidados
- Loss is to be Expected
- Lost Country
- Lost Highway
- Lost Honor of Katherina Blum
- Lost Horizon
- Lost in America
- Lost in Galicia
- Lost in Translation
- Lost Women Art – From Impressionism to Abstraction
- Lost years
- Lost Youth
- Lost, Lost, Lost
- Louder than bombs
- Lov na jelene
- Love
- Love above the Pyramid Plateau
- Love and Some Swear Words
- Love Around the World
- Love at 40
- Love at Twenty
- Love Building
- Love in the Afternoon
- Love in the Afternoon
- Love Is Colder Than Death
- Love Letter
- Love letter
- Love Lies Bleeding
- Love Life
- Love on the Run
- Love on the Run
- Love Once Again
- Love One Another
- Love Songs
- Love Story
- Love Streams
- Love to Eternity
- Love With The Proper Stranger
- Love's a Bitch
- Lovefilm
- Loveless
- Lovely Child
- Lovely Rita
- Lovers
- Lovers and Lollipops
- Loving Vincent
- Lower City
- Luchino Visconti
- Lucio Flavio
- Lucky
- Lučonoša
- Luda kuća
- Luka
- Luna
- Lunch on the grass
- Lust for Gold
- Lust for Life
- Lvx Æterna